
In TELEMATICS, you are the operator of a nuclear missile silo. You get control over the silo doors, fuel pumps and such. The only connection to the outside world is your trusty TELEMATICS teletypewriter.

The teletypewriter shows you messages about your own silo and messages from a hostile nation's president.

Can you manage to survive your shift without causing a thermonuclear war?

The game was an experiment to see if I could make a completely prerendered game in 48h. I think the result turned out well!

Design-wise, the game doesn't work that well, but at least it looks good!



Subject Rating Placed
Graphics 4.48 / 5.0 12 / 900
Audio 3.53 / 5.0 99 / 900
Overall 3.84 / 5.0 73 / 900
Theme 4.31 / 5.0 41 / 900
Humor 3.55 / 5.0 71 / 900
Fun 3.22 / 5.0 280 / 900
Mood 4.13 / 5.0 21 / 900
Innovation 4.19 / 5.0 21 / 900