

Turbo/Glide is a car racing game with a car that is secretly also a glider plane.

The plane doesn't have any engine, so you have to build up kinetic energy in car mode.


[Up] - Throttle [Down] - Brake [Left] - Pitch plane left [Right] - Pitch plane right [C] - Turn car / flip plane [X] - Shapeshift between car and plane mode [R] - Restart level

Note that you don't use [Down] to steer up ;-)

I should never try an actual physics simulation in a jam game. I wasted almost 10 hours on getting them to work. The result is not perfect, but it was good enough.



Subject Rating Placed
Graphics 3.51 / 5.0 258 / 1118
Audio 3.16 / 5.0 257 / 1118
Overall 3.8 / 5.0 87 / 1118
Theme 4.05 / 5.0 66 / 1118
Humor 2.78 / 5.0 266 / 1118
Fun 3.79 / 5.0 88 / 1118
Mood 3.25 / 5.0 257 / 1118
Innovation 3.83 / 5.0 98 / 1118