

S.E.N.T.I.N.E.L. is the operating system and artificial intelligence built into humankind's strongest weapon against the ever growing slime population.

Can the growth of the slime be stopped? Find out!

I prepared some Blender Tools in advance this time. They made it pretty easy to render the level to color and depth man files. The renderer itself is a bit hacked, but worked fine in the end. LÖVE doesn't support a depth buffer directly, so I had to do that manually in the shader. The depth map also allowed rendering the outlines of things that are behind walls!



Subject Rating Placed
Graphics 4.45 / 5.0 20 / 1232
Audio 3.74 / 5.0 79 / 1232
Overall 3.75 / 5.0 129 / 1232
Theme 2.64 / 5.0 921 / 1232
Humor 2.84 / 5.0 269 / 1232
Fun 3.62 / 5.0 167 / 1232
Mood 4.19 / 5.0 19 / 1232
Innovation 3.15 / 5.0 483 / 1232