Gelan's Quest


Gelan has to leave his home. Guide him to safety in this classic point and click adventure.

The game is more like an interactive story, only a few small puzzles are included.

You can set the speed of the text displays (dialogs and narrative) with keys 1-5. 3 is default, 1 is super slow, 5 is too fast too read ;-)



Subject Rating Placed
Graphics 4.0 / 5.0 100 / 1198
Audio 3.45 / 5.0 142 / 1198
Overall 3.98 / 5.0 33 / 1198
Theme 3.87 / 5.0 167 / 1198
Humor 2.06 / 5.0 729 / 1198
Fun 2.91 / 5.0 547 / 1198
Mood 4.41 / 5.0 5 / 1198
Innovation 3.24 / 5.0 315 / 1198