Cooper 32 vs. Doctor Dynamo


Cooper 32 is the top field operative of an undisclosed secret service.

The service found out that the super villain Doctor Dynamo is planning to bomb big cities all over the world. The villain is hiding in his secret volcanic hideout (as such people usually do) and Cooper has to blow the base (including the volcano, most likely) up. For that job, no conventional weapon would suffice, therefore he uses a mini nuke.

Can Cooper 32 sneak into the base undetected, plant the bomb and return to his safe hiding spot to free the world from Doctor Dynamo's menace? FIND OUT INSIDE!

Controls: Arrow keys to move, Up or X to jump. That's it.

You should watch the intro to find out what you're supposed to do, but you can skip it by just running ahead if you like.

The game is relatively difficult, there are some checkpoints along the way to lower your rage levels.

I almost finished everything I had planned, but I spent too much time on level and graphics design, so in the end I had to cut down on some nice-to-have features (there are no sweet particle effects, for example).



Subject Rating Placed
Graphics 3.77 / 5.0 173 / 1353
Audio 3.35 / 5.0 234 / 1353
Overall 3.45 / 5.0 305 / 1353
Theme 2.4 / 5.0 1041 / 1353
Humor 2.79 / 5.0 494 / 1353
Fun 3.4 / 5.0 270 / 1353
Mood 3.35 / 5.0 234 / 1353
Innovation 2.4 / 5.0 983 / 1353