

You wake up in an empty hospital. What happened? How did you get here? Where is everybody?

Try to find out by walking around and following your leads.

The whole game world fits onto a single screen. I am proud of the the lighting effects in this game. Not bad for a 48h game, I think. Of course I learned afterwards that there are smarter ways to handle the line-of-sight effect than just casting rays into predefined directions. But it worked reasonably well for the short time it took to implement.

I'm currently rewriting the lighting code. It was just too terrible to keep around :)

I'll post the download links again, once that is resolved.



Subject Rating Placed
Graphics 3.78 / 5.0 186 / 1365
Audio 3.59 / 5.0 97 / 1365
Overall 3.75 / 5.0 102 / 1365
Theme 3.71 / 5.0 404 / 1365
Humor 2.27 / 5.0 721 / 1365
Fun 3.25 / 5.0 395 / 1365
Mood 4.26 / 5.0 14 / 1365
Innovation 3.02 / 5.0 646 / 1365