Jessie and Jack


This is the story of Jessie and Jack.

Jessie and Jack are siblings and "inventors". They "invented" a teleporter system and wanted to test run it. Too bad, they are just "inventors" and not inventors (without quotation marks). The test run created a rupture in the universe and cast them both into different parallel worlds.

But these worlds seem to be connected by their faulty teleporter, so they can at least transfer inanimate matter through the ruptures created by their "invention".

I tried my luck with all the effects that are seemingly a must have, so this game features lots of screen shake, flashes, knock-back and bullets.

Also, Jessie and Jack show the very first full walk cycle I ever pixeled. It doesn't look perfect, but I am quite happy about how it turned out.




Subject Rating Placed
Graphics 3.45 / 5.0 345 / 1493
Audio 2.98 / 5.0 394 / 1493
Overall 3.29 / 5.0 471 / 1493
Theme 3.36 / 5.0 475 / 1493
Humor 2.4 / 5.0 505 / 1493
Fun 3.07 / 5.0 534 / 1493
Mood 2.89 / 5.0 630 / 1493
Innovation 2.89 / 5.0 755 / 1493