

In this game you control a submarine, trying to reach the exit of each level in time. In the darkness of the deeps beneath the surface, you can only see a small region of the screen that is illuminated by your headlights.

Hostile submarines try to kill you with their own torpedoes. Some of them even use homing torpedoes.

I am pretty proud of the bubble effects in the game and actually got a lot of praise for them in the jam entry comments, so you should definitely check them out.

This is my first "serious" jam entry made with LÖVE. It went quite well, so I will probably use it until my own web based framework is ready.



Subject Rating Placed
Graphics 3.75 / 5.0 217 / 1492
Audio 2.66 / 5.0 613 / 1492
Overall 3.43 / 5.0 323 / 1492
Theme 3.63 / 5.0 235 / 1492
Humor 2.06 / 5.0 820 / 1492
Fun 3.24 / 5.0 376 / 1492
Mood 3.47 / 5.0 215 / 1492
Innovation 2.71 / 5.0 810 / 1492